News Listings

August 2016

Adoption of new policy P318 South Perth Station Precinct Application Requirements

Public Notice 8 August 2016

The City of South Perth Council have adopted Policy P318 South Perth Station Precinct Application Requirements at the Ordinary Council Meeting held on 26 July 2016.

City calls for independent review of WA planning system

Media Release 4 August 2016

At the WALGA Annual General Meeting held on 3 August 2016, Mayor Sue Doherty moved a motion to request WALGA advocate for an independent review of the Western Australian planning system.


South Perth Station Precinct Parking Management Plan - Working Party

Media Response 3 August 2016

Media enquiry regarding the City's South Perth Station Precinct Parking Management Plan Working Party.

South Perth Station Precinct

Perth Transport Plan for 3.5 million and beyond

Media Response 3 August 2016

Media enquiry regarding the City's response to the release of the State Government's Perth Transport Plan for 3.5 million and beyond.

South Perth Station Precinct
July 2016

2016 Volunteer of the Year Awards - Nominations Open

Media Release 29 July 2016

Do you know an inspirational volunteer? If you do, then why not nominate them for the City of South Perth Volunteer of the Year Awards.


Invitation for feedback from the community about disability access and inclusion

Media Release 29 July 2016

The City is currently undertaking a review of its Disability Access and Inclusion Plan (DAIP) and is seeking community feedback to assist in the development of the revised DAIP for 2017-2021.

Notice of Intent to Dispose of Land

Public Notice 29 July 2016

The City gives notice of its intention to dispose of Lot 801 on Deposited Plan 69206. Submissions about this proposed disposition can be made in writing to the Chief Executive Officer by Monday 15 August 2016.


Parking Management Plan for the South Perth Station Precinct

Media Release 28 July 2016

The City of South Perth has engaged CARDNO Consulting to develop a Parking Management Plan for the South Perth Station Precinct, and invites up to ten local residents to join a working party to assist and contribute in the development of the plan.

South Perth Station Precinct

2016 South Perth Young Writers Award winners announced

Media Release 22 July 2016

The City of South Perth Young Writers Awards were presented last night at a ceremony that celebrated the 30th anniversary of the prestigious awards.

Development Assessment Panel meeting minutes 6 July 2016

News Update 19 July 2016

Finalised minutes of the Metro Central Joint Development Assessment Panel (JDAP) for the meeting held on 6 July 2016 are now available to view.​