Ernest Johnson Reserve
Ernest Johnson (EJ) Reserve provides recreational, sporting and social opportunities for the local community. The Reserve is located in South Perth, bounded by South Terrace, Sandgate Street, and Hensman Street.
The reserve and its associated buildings were redeveloped to better accommodate the needs of relevant sports clubs, community groups, the local community and the City.

The development and implementation of a Masterplan for EJ Reserve was a key initiative in the City’s Strategic Community Plan and Corporate Plan.
The Masterplan aims to accommodate the needs of relevant sports clubs, community groups, the local community and the City, and produce a contemporary, functional and sustainable multi-purpose facility. The Masterplan also incorporates all active reserves; Ernest Johnson Oval, Hensman Park and Sandgate Reserve, the buildings and stakeholders.
The project provides benefits to users of the reserve including:
- South Perth Junior Football Club
- South Perth Cricket Club (Suburban Turf)
- West Australian Football Commission Umpires (AFL & WAFL)
- South Perth Branch of the Returned & Services League (currently located in Angelo Street, South Perth)
- South Perth Playgroup
- Girl Guides South Perth
- Rotary Club of South Perth Burswood
- South Perth Little Athletics
- South Perth Junior Cricket Club
- Local residents and passive users of the reserve.
The budget for the project was set at $10.5 million in the City’s Long Term Strategic Financial Plan 2013-2023. The allocations were $7.5 million in 2016/2017 and $3 million in 2017/2018.