News Listings

September 2012

Canning Bridge Precinct Vision Structure Plan

Media Response 12 September 2012

Media enquiry regarding the City's plans for the Canning Bridge Precinct. The implementation of the Canning Bridge Precinct Vision will see the area become a unique, vibrant, creative community centered on the integrated transport node of the Canning Bridge rail station.

Canning Bridge
August 2012

Canning Bridge Structure Plan - Community Briefing

Media Release 22 August 2012

The City of South Perth, City of Melville and the Departments for Planning and Transport would like to invite all interested stakeholders to a Community Briefing Session on the development of the Canning Bridge Structure Plan.

Canning Bridge

State Underground Power Project

Media Response 16 August 2012

Media enquiry regarding areas of South Perth that currently have or are in the process of having Underground Power installed, and those areas that are not.

Underground Power

South Perth Station Community Feedback

Media Release 14 August 2012

The future South Perth Train Station is planned for a location in the Kwinana Freeway reserve at the end of Richardson Street, South Perth. At the time of construction of the Southern Suburbs Railway, this area was designed to accommodate the future station.

South Perth Station Precinct
May 2012

City Concerned About River Walls

Media Response 25 May 2012

Media enquiry regarding the City's concerns about river walls. The river walls along the foreshore have been gradually deteriorating over a long period of time. The most affected river walls are on the northern foreshore along Sir James Mitchell Park in the most popular and high profile area of the park.

South Perth Foreshore
March 2012

Civic Triangle

Media Response 16 March 2012

Media enquiry regarding the redevelopment of the Civic Triangle site.

February 2012

Ernest Johnson Master Plan

Media Response 10 February 2012

Ernest Johnson Reserve provides recreational, sporting and social opportunities for residents within the City. As part of its Strategic and Corporate plan, the City has appointed Jill Powell and Associates to undertake Stage One of a Master Planning study into the potential redevelopment of the Reserve and its associated buildings.

Ernest Johnson Reserve

South Perth Train Station Precinct

Media Response 3 February 2012

This proposed Amendment No. 25 to the City’s Town Planning Scheme No. 6 is the culmination of a study of the precinct including a possible future train station near Richardson Street, South Perth.

South Perth Station Precinct
January 2012

Invitation for Comment - Town Planning Scheme No.6 Amendment No.25

Media Release 27 January 2012

Invitation for Public Comment - Planning and Development Act Town Planning Scheme available for inspection: City of South Perth Town Planning Scheme No. 6 Amendment No.25.

South Perth Station
December 2011

Canning Bridge Precinct Vision Wins Prestigious Planning Award

Media Release 16 December 2011

The City of South Perth and City of Melville, along with the Western Australian Planning Commission and Department of Planning, took home a prestigious “Award for Planning Excellence” at the Planning Institute of Australia (Western Australian division) 2011 awards ceremony held on Friday 9 December.

Canning Bridge