South Perth Foreshore 2013 and Beyond

Media Response 24 May 2013
South Perth Foreshore
Please attribute the following comments to City of South Perth Mayor Sue Doherty 

How will community consultation for the next 6 weeks take place? 
The draft South Perth Foreshore – 2013 and Beyond (SPF and Beyond 2013) is to be presented for consideration at the May Council meeting.

If Council endorses the draft document, extensive consultation will take place for a minimum period of six weeks. The City has identified a number of ways to gather ideas and comments from the community, including an online questionnaire.

The City plans to implement a community engagement process for the draft document.

This will include wide consultation with extensive advertising through City communications including the website, bimonthly Peninsula newsletter, the new enewsletter, which residents are encouraged to sign up to through the City’s website and the local paper.

How much response from the community is the City expecting?

It is important for the City to hear from the many users of the South Perth Foreshore including park visitors, local businesses, tourists, residents, ratepayers, cyclists and community groups.

There will be many opportunities for people to respond to the draft document. The City wants to offer alternative ways for people to provide input to ensure the final plan reflects the diversity of our community.

What are they key aspects of the draft vision?
The draft identifies key considerations that are relevant to the whole foreshore, including transport, infrastructure, activation, culture, environment and heritage and identifies nodes along the foreshore. 

As the foreshore covers a large area, a number of nodes have been identified. The nodes are walking distance apart, and aims to create a well-planned and connected network of spaces and destinations.

Destinations along the foreshore, for example Mends Street Beach, Coode Street Beaches, Mends Street and Ellam Street plus more have been identified as nodes to create destinations providing interest, amenity, comfort and connectivity to the greater South Perth Foreshore.

How long has the vision been in process?
During late 2012 to March 2013, background investigation and consultation activities were undertaken to inform the preparation of the draft revitalisation document, the South Perth Foreshore - 2013 and Beyond.

What will be the next step after community consultation?
Once the South Perth Foreshore 2013 and Beyond Strategy document is finalised an implementation plan will be prepared.

Is there anything else you would like to add?
I would encourage everyone to get involved in this upcoming consultation stage of the South Perth Foreshore planning as it is a vital part of creating a revitalised foreshore for all.

Media contact

For media enquiries, please contact the City’s Communications Officer.