State Development Assessment Unit


Part 17 of the Planning and Development Act 2005 (the Act) has been established by the Western Australian Planning Commission (the WAPC) as the new decision making authority for applications for significant development. A 'significant' development means any proposal (except for a warehouse) with an estimated cost of $20 million or more.

Under these changes, developments that are defined as 'significant' can be submitted to the WAPC via the State Development Assessment Unit (SDAU) for approval, instead of being lodged with the local government for assessment and consideration by a Joint Development Assessment Panel (DAP).

Information in relation to the SDAU can be found on the Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage website.

Applications considered by the SDAU 

All community consultation in relation to development applications considered by the SDAU will be undertaken by the State Government and comments should be directed to the SDAU directly.

Currently advertised proposals can be found here.

As part of the assessment of a development application by the SDAU, the City has 42 days in which to submit information, comment or recommended conditions pertinent to the application. Such applications will be presented to the first available Council meeting in order that a formal response can be provided within the specified timeframe.

SDAU applications in the City of South Perth

  • No current applications.