Plans & Strategies

The City is guided by a number of strategy and planning documents, endorsed by the Council.

Access and Inclusion Plan

The Access and Inclusion Plan 2022–2027 (AIP) is for all people who live, work or visit the City of South Perth. The City strives to foster a community that is accessible and inclusive for all.

Asset Management Plan

The Asset Management Plan 2013-2023 identifies responsibilities, maintenance standards and inspection regimes required to manage civil liability. It must also demonstrate that the City, as the asset infrastructure authority, is responsibly managing the assets under its control.

Community Recreation Facilities Plan

The Community Recreation Facilities Plan 2019-2033 provides a strategic asset management framework that guides the planning, construction, maintenance, and operation of community recreation infrastructure essential to deliver the City’s vision.

Community Safety and Crime Prevention Plan

The City aims to provide a safe, welcoming and enjoyable place for both residents and visitors. The Community Safety and Crime Prevention Plan 2022-2027 aims to build social cohesion and community connections to enhance the sense of safety.

Economic Development Plan

The City recognises that economic development is a transformative process that focuses on job and wealth creation to improve quality of life. The Economic Development Plan sets out the future direction for the City over the next four years and provides a guide for how the City will support its existing local businesses, create a business friendly environment that boosts local employment and attract investment and tourism. 

George Burnett Recreation Precinct Masterplan

The George Burnett Recreation Precinct Masterplan 2020 was developed to guide future use and development of this valuable community space in Karawara. The precinct comprises a range of community facilities and open spaces, including: George Burnett Leisure Centre; George Burnett Park; Manning Skate Park; George Burnett Pavilion; former Manning library building; and surrounding bushland.  The precinct is currently home to a rugby league club, touch football association and a cricket club and is used by local residents for informal recreation purposes, such as walking, dog walking, jogging, bicycle riding, skateboarding and other wheeled sports.

Innovate Reconciliation Action Plan

The Innovate Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) 2021-2023 is the second stage of our reconciliation journey and has been developed with input from the community and key stakeholders. The Innovate RAP will provide a framework to help us achieve our vision for, and commitment to reconciliation. It will act as a guide for recognising and celebrating Aboriginal culture and heritage within the City.

Long-Term Financial Plan

The Long-Term Financial Plan (LTFP) 2024/25 to 2033/34 is a 10-year plan that guides the City’s approach to delivering infrastructure and services to the community in a financially sustainable and affordable manner.

Parking Strategy

The City commissioned Luxmoore Parking and Safety Consultants to develop a City-wide Parking Strategy to provide a long-term plan for the provision and management of parking within the City. The Strategy provides a parking framework over the next 15 years to assist in achieving the City’s goals in relation to travel demand management and sustainable transport, to ensure the existing road network amenity is maintained and improved.

Play Space Plan

The Play Space Plan 2022 is a guide to help determine the location, facility type/classification and community need for play spaces within the City, including playgrounds, outdoor exercise equipment, skate and bike parks, outdoor sports courts and pop up parks. The Plan will inform the City’s Asset Management Plan, providing guidance on the planning, construction, maintenance and operation of play spaces within the City.

Public Health Plan

The City's first Public Health Plan 2020-2025 reports on the current health status of the community and identifies areas where the City can help improve health outcomes and integrate a public health focus into existing services and facilities.

Public Toilet Plan

The Public Toilet Plan 2020-2035 is a guide to help determine the location, quality and use of the City’s public toilets. The Plan will inform the City’s Asset Management Plan, providing guidance on the planning, construction, maintenance and operation of public toilet infrastructure within the City.

Youth Plan

The City has developed its first ever Youth Plan 2021-2025 following feedback received from participants at the end of 2021.  With one in five of the City’s residents aged between 10 and 25, the Youth Plan provides a clear direction for service delivery, events and programs for young people for 2021-2026

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