Customer Service Charter
The City of South Perth provides services to over 44,000 residents, 16,000 businesses and one million visitors through over 150,000 interactions each year. Every interaction contributes to our vision for a city of active places and beautiful spaces by making a positive difference to our customers.
Our Customer Service Charter defines how we work with our customers daily. It sets the commitment and standard of service our customers can expect.
Customer Satisfaction Survey
In April-May 2022, the City conducted an independent survey of City of South Perth customers to measure recent performance. Using contact details captured through the City's Request Database, over 11,000 customers that had interacted with the City within the last 9 months were invited via email or text to take part in an online survey. The survey took around 10 minutes to complete and received 805 responses.
Click on the link for an overview of the Customer Satisfaction Survey Snapshot.
Service Principles
When you interact with the City, we have identified how we want you and all our customers to feel and we have developed five core commitments with actionable behaviours that you can expect. We also acknowledge the role our customers play in order for us to deliver our service effectively.

Contacting the City
Our customer service extends beyond our frontline team. We recognise our customers are all individuals who think and feel differently about a range of situations and services that we offer. We want our customers to feel they can get in contact with us through their preferred method and we have developed principles as to how you can expect us to serve you.
By phone - we will
- Be available to answer your call to 9474 0777 - 24 hours a day
- Provide as much information as we can at the first call to the City - with clarity and confidence
- Resolve quick and urgent enquiries
- Be conscious of your time, but not rush you
- Answer 90% of calls within six rings
- Aim for our Customer Service Team to resolve enquiries at the first point of contact. If this isn’t possible, you will be transferred to the relevant officer who will assist you or if they are unavailable, have them call you back no later than COB the next business day.
By email and letter - we will
- Provide a personalised acknowledgement within two business days even if your enquiry will take longer to resolve
- Deal with routine and less urgent enquiries within two business days
- For more complex enquiries will not take more than 10 business days to resolve. If we cannot meet this requirement, we will let you know and advise the reason why
- Include multiple employees within the City when required for your enquiry
- Read all the information and consider an appropriate response.
In person - we will
- When appropriate, meet with you as soon as practicable
- Make you feel comfortable whenever you enter the City’s facilities
- When issues require escalation or have greater complexity, offer to meet with you
- Provide you with an alternative avenue if you do not wish to use our online services
- Welcome you and aim to avoid the need for repeated visits that may be an inconvenience
Online - we will
- Keep our website and social media platforms up to date to help inform you and provide relevant information to you via our City online communication channels
- Offer a range of ways for you to contact the City including online and digital platforms and explore how to use digital services to improve our customer’s experience.
Our Values
Our team members are motivated by our values and we bring them to life in our daily work. They are more than just words. They are at the core of how we interact with our customers. We believe the way we work internally can make a difference to our customers externally. Our values guide us when interacting with our customers.

We value your opinion and want to hear what you think about the quality of our service. This may include compliments, concerns, complaints, or comments on our customer service to you.
To provide your feedback, including ways in which we can we can assist you, or help us in acknowledging our team members, please complete the online feedback form.
Complaints can also be made using the online feedback form or by email or letter.
Contact us
- Phone 9474 0777
- Email
- Opening Hours 8.30am-4.30pm, Monday to Friday
- Address Cnr Sandgate Street and South Terrace, South Perth WA 6151