My Property
Find out everything you need to know about maintaining and managing your property in the City of South Perth.
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Council rates are a contribution each ratepayer makes towards the cost of providing facilities and services to the community.

Waste & Recycling
The City provides a range of services relating to waste and recycling including weekly kerb side and fortnightly recycling collections.

Neighbourhood Noise
Loud noises late at night or very early in the morning are likely to impact more on neighbours than noise during the day. As a guide, noise which is clearly audible at the boundary of a property may cause a disturbance and exceed the allowable noise levels.

Trees on Private Property
Many areas in the City of South Perth are experiencing a significant loss of trees on private properties, reducing the overall tree canopy cover. It is critical that these trees are preserved wherever possible.

Rainwater Tanks
Rainwater is an environmentally friendly alternative to mains water. The safety and quality of the water in your rainwater tank will depend on how you maintain it and how the water is treated.

Water Efficiency
We can all help reduce water consumption within the home with a few simple behaviour changes.

Energy Efficiency
Efficient use of energy in the household results in reduced costs and reduced greenhouse gas emissions. Energy efficiency can be achieved by using energy efficient appliances, installing renewable energy power and simply using less power.

A verge is the area between the road and the boundary of a property. It provides a safe pedestrian space and vehicular access to properties. Residents are encouraged to look after their verges.

The City is responsible for ensuring that all building works undertaken in the City comply with relevant regulations and policies.

The City is generally responsible for ensuring that appropriate controls exist for land use planning and development within the district.

Swimming Pools
Owners and occupiers are responsible for ensuring that there is a compliant safety barrier maintained and in operation at all times.

A vehicle crossing (also known as a crossover) is the part of the driveway from the front property boundary to the kerb line. While it forms part of the road reserve it is the property owners’ responsibility to construct and maintain.

Dividing Fences
A dividing fence separates land belonging to different owners. The construction of new dividing fences or repairs to existing dividing fences should be discussed between the affected parties.

Access onto a Reserve
From time to time, residents whose properties are adjoining or adjacent to a reserve may require access onto a reserve for the purpose undertaking maintenance or works to their property.

Asbestos cement building products are not a health risk if left undisturbed in buildings. However, safe work procedures must be followed to remove it.

National Broadband Network
The national broadband network (nbn™) is Australia’s new landline phone and internet network. It is designed to provide access to fast and reliable internet services.

A Firebreak is a strip of land that has been cleared. Firebreaks not only help minimise the spread of fire but also allow access by emergency vehicles.

Smoke Pollution
Smoke from wood fires or barbecues can cause a nuisance in urban areas, affecting people's health or outdoor activities.

There are several ways you can prepare your property from the threat of bushfires. Read our Bushfire Risk Management Plan to find out more.

Pest and weed control
Pest management is an important service provided to the community. For information on how the City is managing pest and weed control, click here.