News Listings
Aerial mosquito treatment - 19 November 2021
The City will be carrying out an aerial larvicide treatment between 10am and 5pm on 19 November 2021 in the wetland area south of Waterford from Cygnia Cove through to the Salter Point Lagoon.
Commercial Advertising on Road Reserves Fees and Charges
The City intends to impose the following new fees and charges for commercial advertising on road reserves from 1 December 2021.
City celebrates all abilities
Guided by our Disability Access and Inclusion Plan, the City is making positive changes to ensure our community is a place where the needs and aspirations of all people are respected equally.
City seeks feedback on first Youth Plan
The first City of South Perth Youth Plan is now open for community feedback. The draft plan will guide the delivery of services, events and programs for people aged 10 to 25 over the next five years.
Weekly approved works 14-21 November 2021
Approved works within the City of South Perth for 14-21 November 2021.
Finalised minutes Metro Central JDAP meeting 10 November 2021
Minutes of the Metro Inner-South JDAP meeting to consider a development at No. 150 (Lot 301) Robert Street, Como on 10 November 2021 have been made available to view.
Mosquito management underway
The City's Mosquito Management Program is underway, with treatments starting earlier this year due to a shift in weather conditions.
Quarantine Area for Polyphagous shot-hole borer expanded
The Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development have expanded the quarantine area for the exotic pest Polyphagous shot-hole borer to include the City of South Perth.
Reclassification of 50 Dyson Street Kensington
Feedback is now being analysed and the outcomes will be presented to Council for their consideration in December 2021.
Aerial mosquito treatment - 11 November 2021
The City will be carrying out an aerial larvicide treatment between 12 and 5pm on 11 November 2021 in the wetland area south of Waterford from Cygnia Cove through to the Salter Point Lagoon.