News Listings
EDP feedback update
Feedback on the draft Economic Development Plan has now closed and will now be analysed before being considered for incorporation into the final document.
Integrated Transport Plan update
Thank you to everyone who provided feedback on the draft Integrated Transport Plan in May, we received a large number of responses.
Improving our cycle paths
This year the City will focus on key cycling infrastructure projects on the South Perth Foreshore between Millers Pool and Mindeerup, along sections of the Canning Bridge to Curtin link and Waterford shoreline connection.
Anti-theft number plate screws
The City is offering anti-theft screws to residents free of charge. The screws are available for collection from the Civic Centre reception during business hours.
Scrublands available for free download
From 1-15 September, members can enjoy Australian author Chris Hammer’s award-winning crime novel Scrublands as an ebook or audiobook for free.
On the road to a driverless future
A new sculpture has been unveiled on the South Perth foreshore to coincide with the five year anniversary of the RAC Intellibus trial.
Weekly approved works 30 August - 5 September 2021
Approved works within the City of South Perth for 30 August - 5 September 2021.
Australia Reads Read-a-thon
Join the City's Libraries for a Read-a-thon to celebrate the national Australia Reads campaign on Thursday 12 November.
Proposed hockey facility at Collier Reserve, Como
Wesley South Perth Hockey Club (WASPs) and Wesley College are investigating the relocation of WASPs to Collier Reserve. Have your say.
Local Planning Scheme 7 update
The community will be invited to give feedback on the City's next planning scheme, Local Planning Scheme 7.