News Listings
Weekly approved works 27 February-5 March 2023
Approved works within the City of South Perth for 27 February-5 March 2023.
What next for Lake Douglas bridges?
City investigates options for future of much-loved bridges over Lake Douglas at Sir James Mitchell Park.
Public Art Masterplan launched
Our inaugural Public Art Masterplan 2022-2025 guides the City’s approach to the acquisition and management of current and future public art assets.
Safer Internet Day with Paul Litherland
Join 2022 WA Australian of the Year, Paul Litherland to understand how to surf safe online for Safer Internet Day, 2 March 2023.
Annual Report Financial Highlights
At the Electors’ General Meeting on Tuesday 7 February 2023, the community was presented with the City’s Annual Report Financial Highlights for the year ending June 2022.
An update on draft Local Planning Scheme No.7
The City is now preparing modifications to the draft LPS 7, which is expected to be presented to Council in the coming months.
Weekly approved works 20-26 February 2023
Approved works within the City of South Perth for 20-26 February 2023.
Road Resurfacing Works - Lockhart St between Thelma St and Davilak St
The City is undertaking road resurfacing works on Lockhart St between Thelma St and Davilak St
Salter Point spit restoration
Salter Point spit has undergone significant restoration works funded by the City of South Perth and a Riverbank Grant from the Department of Biodiversity Conservation and Attractions.
DFES grant helps City manage bushfire risk
City receives a $70,000 DFES grant to undertake bushfire prevention measures.