News Listings
Free concert celebrating culture, music and community
Renowned musician Phil Walleystack and his band will headline the City of South Perth’s Sounds of Bunuru concert at Comer Reserve on Saturday 25 March 2023.
Weekly approved works 13-19 March 2023
Approved works within the City of South Perth for 13-19 March 2023.
Access and Inclusion Plan endorsed by Council
Optimising access and inclusion makes communities liveable for everyone.
Weekly approved works 6-12 March 2023
Approved works within the City of South Perth for 6-12 March 2023.
Suburban spotlight: Angelo Street
South Perth’s Angelo Street is well known and much loved by locals and visitors for its fantastic cafés and great food but there is more to this shopping avenue than lattes and lunches.
Gone in Less than Sixty Seconds
To help reduce thefts from motor vehicles the City is offering free car window stickers to remind people to remove all valuables from their vehicles and reduce the chances of being broken into.
Extraordinary Election Results 2023
Nick Warland has been elected Como Ward Councillor, after votes were counted in today's Extraordinary Election 2023.
Perfectly Queer - creating an inclusive City
The City is proud to launch Perfectly Queer in South Perth - an LGBTIQA+ youth empowerment series to bring people together and foster a more accessible and inclusive community.
Freeway path detour extended to end March 2023
A pedestrian-cycle path detour along Melville Parade will be extended until 31 March 2023 as work continues to repair the limestone river wall in Como.
Moresby Street Hall temporary closure
Moresby Street Hall will be closed from Tuesday 7 March until Tuesday 28 March 2023, as the City undertakes works to refresh the popular hall for years to come.