News Listings
Students showcase public speaking skills at Speak With Confidence Awards
Students participating in the 2023 Speak with Confidence Awards chose their own topics and wrote their speeches, which they presented to a panel of four judges from Toastmasters International.
Proposal for synthetic hockey turf at Collier Reserve not supported
Council votes not to proceed with proposed synthetic hockey pitch at Collier Reserve in Como.
Annual Budget delivers cost effective services to the community and improves City’s financial position
At the Council Meeting on Tuesday 27 June 2023, Council endorsed the 2023/24 Annual Budget, with a rate revenue increase of 5 per cent; below the prevailing Perth CPI of 5.8 per cent and National CPI of 7 per cent.
Finalised minutes Metro Central JDAP meeting 26 June 2023
Minutes of the Metro Inner-South JDAP meeting on 26 June 2023 have been made available on the DAP website.
Capacity limit at Ordinary Council Meeting, Tuesday 27 June 2023
City limits attendance at the Ordinary Council Meeting on Tuesday 27 June to 100 people.
Weekly approved works 26 June-2 July 2023
Approved works within the City of South Perth for 26 June-2 July 2023.
Path closure at Andrew Thompson Reserve - 23-30 June 2023
A section of damaged path will be removed and replaced with poured concrete between 23-30 June 2023, subject to weather conditions.
Sir James Mitchell Park - path lighting cable replacement
Cable replacement works have begun at Sir James Mitchell Park and will continue until the end of July 2023, subject to weather conditions.
Winter tree planting at South Perth Foreshore
Several trees have been planted along the South Perth Foreshore in place of a large Marri tree that came down during strong winds.
Metro Inner-South JDAP Agenda 26 June 2023
The agenda for the Metro Inner-South JDAP meeting to consider ten proposed three-storey grouped dwellings for 124 Lockhart Street and 33A&B Edgecumbe Street, Como is now available to view.