News Listings
Finalised minutes Metro Central JDAP meeting 18 April 2023
Minutes of the Metro Inner-South JDAP meeting on 18 April 2023 have been made available on the DAP website.
Weekly approved works 24-30 April 2023
Approved works within the City of South Perth for 24-30 April 2023.
Update on fallen tree limb at EJ Oval
Contractors on-site to remove fallen tree limb at Ernest Johnson Oval
Queen St Jetty works
Structural works to renew Queen Street Jetty in South Perth are scheduled to commence on Wednesday 26 April 2023 and are expected to be completed on Wednesday 10 May 2023.
Isabella Craigie Reserve playground replacement
The City will be replacing the aging play equipment at Isabella Craigie Reserve.
Are you a Switched On business?
Have you been working hard to make your business more environmentally sustainable now is the time to nominate for a Switched on Business Award.
Partnership to create lively, green community space in Manning
A previously-underutilised reserve in Manning is getting an important makeover to create a new community space with benefits for the environment, wildlife habitat and residents.
New community artwork at Manning
A group of passionate and talented local men and women from Manning Men’s Shed have created a striking community artwork, drawing inspiration from the natural environment.
Canning Highway roadworks
Main Roads WA are conducting road resurfacing works northbound on Canning Highway between South Terrace and Douglas Avenue, South Perth.
South Perth Esplanade road works update
Between 7am and 5pm on Wednesday 19 April, the City will lay asphalt in Car Park 4 on South Perth Esplanade as part of road works to upgrade the roads and footpaths, and improve safety at the South Perth Esplanade.