News Listings
WA Tree Festival keeps growing
Our community celebrated all the benefits trees have to offer by joining in the fun of the WA Tree Festival 2023.
Building upgrades benefit local groups
Recent upgrades to clubrooms and halls have created more usable space for community groups.
Weekly approved works 15-21 May 2023
Approved works within the City of South Perth for 15-21 May 2023.
Recreation and Aquatic Facility update
Council will consider a report on the proposed Recreation and Aquatic Facility (RAF) at the May Ordinary Council Meeting to be held at 6pm, Tuesday 22 May 2023.
Foreshore tree removed
Replacement trees will be planted at the South Perth Foreshore after a large Marri tree came down during strong winds.
Get involved in play space design
The existing playground at Bill Grayden Reserve in Como is due for replacement and the community is invited to take part in the design of the new play space.
Young people learn coding at Manning Library
CoderDojo is a worldwide initiative that helps young people between 7 and 17 learn to code.
Weekly approved works 8-14 May 2023
Approved works within the City of South Perth for 8-14 May 2023.
Water Corporation pump station upgrade on Jarman Ave, Manning
The Water Corporation will carry out extensive upgrade works at the pump station on Jarman Ave, Manning.
Celebrating National Reconciliation Week
Celebrate National Reconciliation Week in the City of South Perth, 27 May-3 June.