Recreation and Aquatic Facility (RAF)

The proposed Recreation and Aquatic Facility (RAF) would be a first for Western Australia, combining sporting, recreational and educational facilities. The RAF proposed to address a significant lack of local and regional community sporting and recreational infrastructure.
At the Ordinary Council Meeting on Tuesday 28 November 2022, Council reaffirmed its commitment to the RAF Project and requested the CEO to revise the scope and delivery of the RAF Project across three stages.
Stage 1 of the RAF Project proposed indoor aquatics and health club/gym together with a restaurant, bar and function room and improvements to the golf facilities at Collier Park Golf Course. A technology-based golf driving range with integrated food and beverage options is included.
Future stages included indoor playing courts (Stage 2) and a 50m outdoor pool (Stage 3).
Project milestones
The table below outlines the key decisions of Council, along with the minutes and reports from Council meetings.
Date | Milestone | Find out more |
December 2023 | The City has however retained $5.5 million funding to enhance and modify facilities that will increase female participation in sport. | Media release: City retains $5.5 million Federal funding for facilities to increase female participation in sport |
May 2023 | Council resolved not to progress delivery of the RAF and noted that the City will seek to retain the $20 million Federal Funding grant to be directed towards projects that will benefit the community of South Perth. | Meeting Minutes: Ordinary Council Meeting May 2023 |
March 2023 | Council voted to request the CEO to write to the State Government with a $20 million capital funding request for RAF Stage 1 and investigate options for financing the estimated operating deficit for the RAF to be presented at workshop no later than 31 May 2023. | Meeting Minutes: Special Council Meeting March 2023 Attachments: Special Council Meeting March 2023 Attachments |
November 2022 | Council voted to support the Officer Recommendation to revise the scope and delivery of the RAF Project through three independent and financially viable stages for Council's future consideration, consisting of:
Council Report: Report to Special Council Meeting November 2022 |
June 2022 | 1. Council did not support the Officer Recommendation to appoint a Project Manager to the RAF Project. | Council Report: Report to Council June 2022 |
December 2021 | 1. Council note progress report on the RAF. 2. Council vote against the tender for the Provision of RAF project management. | Council Report: Report to Council December 2021 Council Report: Report to Council re RAF project management tender December 2021 |
August 2021 | 1. Council defer commencement of concept and schematic design. a. until the City submits a formal funding proposal to the State Government and reported back to Council. b. A report is presented to Council by December 2021 on the progress of any funding commitments from the State Government and other parties. 2. Endorses commencing the request for information process for a Naming Rights partner; and 3. Notes the outcome of the request for information process for the Naming Rights partner will be presented to Council for consideration. | Council Report: Report to Council August 2021 |
July 2021 | Council notes the actions taken to date to address areas of further development identified by the Peer Review of the RAF Business Case Documents. | Council Report: Progress Report on the Recreation and Aquatic Facility Project |
March 2021 | Council approve Business Plan and receive third party review of Business Case at Special Council Meeting. | Minutes of Special Council Meeting for Business Plan and Business Case Review Recreation and Aquatic Facility Business Plan and Review of Business Case - minutes of SCM 15 Mar 2021 Attachments: 7.1.1 (b): Peer Review - Briefing Presentation (Confidential) 7.1.1 (a): Peer Review - Final Report (Confidential) RAF peer review summary report - Deloitte and WGC |
February 2021 | Council defer consideration of Business Plan until independent financial review of the Operational and Feasibility Business Case is received. | Council Report: Recreation and Aquatic Facility Business Plan and Progress Update
10.5.4 (b): Detailed Business Plan Comments 10.5.4 (c): Recreation and Aquatic Facility Business Plan From minutes of the 22 February 2022 Ordinary Council Meeting. |
November 2020 | Council endorse Business Case (Project Definition Plan and Operational Feasibility) and confirm City contribution of $20million to match Federal Government funding. | Council Report: Recreation and Aquatic Facility - Feasibility Business Case 10.7.5 (b): Project Definition Plan (Confidential) - redacted version 10.7.5 (c): Operational Feasibility Report (Confidential, not public) 10.7.5 (d): Section 3.59 Business Plan From minutes of the 24 November 2020 Ordinary Council Meeting. |
September 2019 | Council endorse Collier Park Golf as the preferred site for the RAF. | Council Report: Proposed Recreation and Aquatic Facility Attachments: From minutes of the 24 September 2019 Ordinary Council Meeting. |
October 2018 | Council resolve to reaffirm its commitment to a RAF and for the City to commence formal engagement for federal and State funding. | Council Report: Recreation and Aquatic Facility Feasibility Project From minutes of the 30 October 2018 Ordinary Council Meeting. |
June 2017 | Council endorse Strategic Community Plan 2017-2027 with the addition of the action ‘to Plan for and promote the development of recreation and aquatic facilities to service the City of South Perth needs’ | Council Report: Draft Strategic Community Plan 2017-2027 From minutes of the 27 June 2017 Ordinary Council Meeting. |
News Listings
Federal funding confirmed for RAF
The Federal Government’s $20 million contribution towards the RAF has officially been confirmed.
Preferred RAF site determined by Council
Council has confirmed Collier Park Golf Course as the preferred site for the proposed Recreation and Aquatic Facility.
Recreation and Aquatic Facility update
Work continues as part of the pre-feasibility process for the Recreation and Aquatic Facility. To enable the project to move to the next stage, Council will consider a report on the RAF at the September meeting.
The Federal Government and City of South Perth have both committed $20 million to the RAF project. Curtin University has made a capital commitment of $2-3 million.
As part of the proposed staging of the RAF Project, the City is reviewing the project budget and the costs associated with each stage. For Stage 1, a capital contribution will be sought from the RAF Operator.
The estimated total project cost for Stage 1 (in the range of $45- $60 million) will be presented to Council at the March 2023 Ordinary Council Meeting. The costs for Stage 1 will be met through the capital contributions from the City, Federal Government, Curtin University, the RAF Operator and other private investment.
The Federal Government and City of South Perth have both committed $20 million to the RAF project. Curtin University has made a capital commitment of $2-3 million.
The City is actively managing the risks associated with escalation.
The proposed staging of the RAF Project is one way to manage this risk. The costs associated with the RAF will be presented at the March 2023 Ordinary Council Meeting.
No. The RAF will not result in an increase in rates. The November 2020 decision by Council to endorse the RAF Business Case documents was based on the projected self-sustainability of the RAF. This assumption has not changed.
The current work being undertaken by the City to stage the RAF Project and review the scope of the proposed RAF assumes that the RAF will not require ongoing subsidy from City rates revenue. An integrated, multi-use facility consisting of golf, aquatics and gym combined with food and beverage maximises the RAF’s financial and operational viability.
Staging of the RAF Project assists with managing the risks associated with the project.
At the Ordinary Council Meeting on Tuesday 28 November 2022, Council requested the CEO to revise the scope and the delivery of the RAF across three stages. Key elements of Stage 1 include indoor aquatics, technology-based golf, gym/health club and food and beverage options. The provision of indoor playing courts and a 50m outdoor pool will be subject to future stages.
At the Ordinary Council Meeting on 28 March 2023, Council will consider the proposed staging of the RAF Project.
At the Ordinary Council Meeting on Tuesday 28 March 2023, the City will present a staged approach to the RAF Project, with the following key elements:
Stage 1 – Indoor aquatics and recreation
Stage 2 – Indoor playing courts
Stage 3 – An outdoor pool.
At a minimum, Stage 1 will include:
- Indoor aquatics with design to be finalised but to include:
- Leisure water (water play area) and learn to swim
- 25m indoor heated pool (8 lanes) with separate programmable warm water pool
- Health club/gym including program rooms
- Technology golf driving range with integrated hospitality venue
- Accommodation and program space for Curtin University, Clontarf Aboriginal College and SEDA College WA
- Food and beverage options, including café and function facilities.
Current investigations for Stage 1 indicate that the impact on Collier Park Golf Course will be minimal. It is unlikely that there will be any significant change to the configuration of the golf course as part of this stage (see question 9).
For Stage 2, the City is lobbying the State Government for the provision of indoor playing courts.
Provision will be made at the Collier Park Golf Course site for a 50m outdoor pool. Building of the pool will be subject to availability of external funding and Council approval.
Any future changes to the golf course will be considered independently of the RAF Project.
Several sites across the City were considered as part of the RAF site selection process. Each site was evaluated and assessed based on factors including available space, funding partnership opportunities, traffic management, accessibility to main roads, public transport and bike lanes/paths.
From a list of 23 sites, two sites were shortlisted; Collier Park Golf Course (CPGC) and George Burnett Leisure Centre (GBLC).
Consistent with the City’s Community Recreation Facilities Plan (CRFP) (2019-2033), CPGC was selected as it was co-located with existing recreational facilities (golf course) and supported the development of a multi-use facility. Integration with the golf course is essential to maximising existing and future market opportunities and enhancing the overall operational and financial viability of the RAF.
Location of the RAF at CPGC also offers a cost-effective approach to asset renewal. Both GBLC and CPGC require capital investment and renewal in the short to medium term. Upgrade or repurposing of GBLC was a key recommendation of the CRFP.
Council endorsed CPGC as the preferred site for the RAF in September 2019. The City continues to work towards this objective.
Further information about site selection of the RAF can be found here:
Council report: Proposed Recreation and Aquatic Facility
Recreation and Aquatic Facility Long List Assessment
Council has not yet agreed to proceed with the RAF. Collier Park Golf Course will continue to operate as normal until further decisions by Council.
At the March 2023 Ordinary Council Meeting, Council will consider whether the RAF can be delivered across three stages. Should Council agree to proceed with the staged approach, more detailed design will need to be undertaken.
Current investigations suggest that Stage 1 will have minimal impact on the golf course with no reduction to the existing 27 holes.
Future decisions about golf course development beyond what is included in Stage 1 (technology-based driving range and improvements to golf course facilities) are not part of the RAF Project and would be linked to the future needs of golf and subject to external investment, further site investigations and decisions of Council.
The RAF is an integrated facility. There are several key business units (including the broader golf related offering) at the RAF. However, all business units play a role in encouraging visitation and maximising ongoing financial and operational viability.
Yes. Clause B6 of the Federal Funding Agreement (FFA) details the works to be conducted (provision of indoor and outdoor aquatics) and Clause B8 specifies that the works are to be conducted at Collier Park Golf on Hayman Road, Como. The City is currently negotiating with the Federal Government to remove the outdoor pool from the scope of the FFA.
The RAF is an integrated, multi-use facility consisting of golf, gym/health club, indoor aquatics combined with food and beverage options.
The City will appoint a RAF Operator to oversee day-to-day operations of the RAF. The Operator will have responsibility for all aspects of the RAF.
Like other commercial ventures managed by the City (such as Collier Park Golf Course), the City will have oversight of operations and play a role in setting prices.
In addition, the RAF Operator will be expected to make a capital contribution to the RAF Project and generate a positive financial return to the City.
Council will consider whether the RAF can be delivered across three stages at the March 2023 Ordinary Council Meeting.
At the March 2023 Ordinary Council Meeting, the City will present updated timelines for the proposed staging of the RAF Project, including indicative timelines for completion of Stage 1.
The City has identified the cockatoo roosting and feeding sites at Collier Park Golf Course. Further investigations are required to determine the extent to which the proposed RAF will affect the black cockatoos. The City is committed to ensuring the protection of the black cockatoo habitat.