Preferred RAF site determined by Council

News Update 25 September 2019

Council has confirmed the Collier Park Golf Course in Como as the preferred site to locate the City’s proposed Recreation and Aquatic Facility (RAF). 

One of the key strategies within the City’s Strategic Community Plan 2017-2027 is to plan for and promote the development of recreation and aquatic facilities to service community needs.

The current lack of indoor sporting facilities within the City, along with the need to determine the ongoing viability and long term use of George Burnett Leisure Centre, Collier Park Golf Course, and the strong community desire for an aquatic centre led the City to initiate the RAF feasibility project.

In April, the City was awarded funding of $20 million from the Coalition Government for a RAF. The City acknowledges the Federal Member for Swan, Hon Steve Irons MP for his work in achieving this contribution. The City recognises this is a significant component of the funding required to construct the RAF, however with a potential construction cost of up to $80 million, more external funding is required to appropriately manage the City’s contribution to the project.  

Due to the strong additional funding opportunities it offers, Council has approved a site to the north of the existing clubhouse on Collier Park Golf Course as the preferred site for the RAF. This decision is based on opportunities for establishing integrated facilities, enhancing commercial and operational viability, future proofing the golf course and attracting partner funding opportunities.

The central and highly accessible location has links to a large population base, including Curtin University, essential for the viability of such a facility. Additionally, using an existing City asset will reduce both the economic and environmental costs of facility duplication.

The City needed to choose a site in order to progress a detailed feasibility business case, which is vital to determine whether the project is worth pursuing. The business case will include a stakeholder and funding strategy, estimates on capital and operational costs, delivery and operational procurement models, delivery risk assessment, facility scope and accommodation plans, and any required commercial and partner agreements.

The potential for the RAF project to proceed will be based on a number of factors including (but not limited to):

  • The attraction of appropriate levels of external funding to supplement City funding;
  • Achieving appropriate economies of scale thereby reducing the requirement to develop duplicate facilities; and
  • The requirement for the RAF to provide an operational surplus in line with the performance of Cockburn Arc and Wembley Golf Complex.

Formal governance arrangements with prospective partners will now be established and importantly, all decision milestones on the progress of the project be reported to Council for its determination.

Minutes from the Tuesday 24 September Council Meeting will be available on the City’s website on Friday 27 September on the Council Meetings page.

More information about the RAF project can be viewed on the City's website here.

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For media enquiries, please contact the City’s Communications Officer.