Federal funding confirmed for RAF

Media Release 18 November 2019

The Hon Steve Irons MP, Federal Member for Swan officially confirmed the Coalition Government’s $20 million contribution towards the City of South Perth’s Recreation Aquatic Facility (RAF) on Friday. 

Alongside the City’s Mayor Greg Milner, Mr Irons confirmed the significant funding as the project’s definition planning phase was given the go ahead. 

The RAF will be a multi-purpose aquatic facility that offers a range of benefits to the community and goes beyond sport, recreation and aquatics to be a unique social hub where physical activity and lifestyle experiences meet. 

Mayor Milner formally announced Council’s resolution that the Collier Park Golf Course (CPGC) in Como would be the preferred site for a RAF.

“Collier Park Golf Course is a central and highly accessible location with links to a large population base, including Curtin University - that’s essential for the viability of such a facility,” Mayor Milner said.

“The RAF will fill a gap in our community, and provide social, economic and environmental benefits. 

“We’ve spoken to our residents who have lamented the time spent travelling outside of our City for a pool and swimming lessons – I myself take my family to Victoria Park – so this is something there is a need for in the City. 

“The exciting thing about the RAF proposal is it is not just a swimming pool. It will be Perth’s most diverse and attractive sports precinct and a premier lifestyle destination. 

“It will also achieve the Federal Government’s objectives, including the Sport 2030 plan, which specifically aims to reshape the face of Australian sport and build a healthier, more physically active nation.

“Nomination of the preferred site now allows the project definition plan phase to progress, which means investigating the feasibility and business models in more detail to ensure the long term viability of the project.

“Naming the preferred site for the RAF means we can now have meaningful and informed consultation. 

“There’s plenty to do in this next phase of the project – prepare a preliminary design, develop a capital budget, a detailed delivery schedule, an operating budget and model, and more.”

Mr Irons spoke passionately about the importance of sport and recreation when making the announcement.

“This morning’s meeting signifies the beginning of the timeline to project fruition for this much-needed community asset,” he said. 

“I have secured $20 million from the Federal Government to kickstart this project, delivering on a 2019 election commitment. The money is locked in, ready to be put to work. We now need the WA State Government, Curtin University and the private sector to band together under the guidance of the City of South Perth to obtain the remainder. 

“With the location now decided, and the Morrison Government’s funding in place, I have every confidence the people of Swan will soon have their much-desired pool underway!”

Mayor Milner thanked Mr Irons for his role in facilitating the federal funding. 

“Thanks to Steve for all his hard work and commitment in securing the commitment from the Federal Government – the City recognises this is a very substantial contribution and significant funding from other partners is also necessary for this project to come to fruition,” Mayor Milner said. 

For more information on the RAF, see the RAF page on the City’s website. 

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For media enquiries, please contact the City’s Communications Officer.