Major projects
The City designs, constructs and maintains a number of major projects to service community needs and priorities.
Further information on past, current and future projects can be found on the Projects & Places page.
Latest news
News Listings
South Perth Foreshore
Media enquiry regarding community consultation for the South Perth Foreshore Vision.
South Perth Foreshore: A Vision for Revitalisation
The City of South Perth has received hundreds of inspiring and interesting comments from the community and stakeholders during the initial idea-gathering phase of the South Perth Foreshore Vision project.
South Perth Foreshore Vision
Media enquiry regarding the South Perth Foreshore Vision and any changes the City would like implemented in the foreshore area.
River Wall Funding Announcement
Media enquiry regarding funding of river walls.
Join the conversation about South Perth Foreshore
The City of South Perth will host a series of coffee cart chats to get the conversation started about the future activities and development residents and visitors want to see along the beautiful South Perth Foreshore and Sir James Mitchell Park.