South Perth Foreshore: A Vision for Revitalisation

Media Release 6 March 2013
South Perth Foreshore
The City of South Perth has received hundreds of inspiring and interesting comments from the community and stakeholders during the initial idea-gathering phase of the South Perth Foreshore vision project.

City of South Perth Mayor Sue Doherty thanked all who have contributed their ideas so far.

“It is clear that the foreshore is an iconic and well loved place in South Perth. The community believes it is fairly tired and in need of some new activities and attractions to bring it back to life. 

“South Perth Foreshore was designated a regional park in the 1950s.  As such, it has been a popular destination for residents and visitors from all over the world for more than 60 years.  The City respects and recognises it has a duty to ensure that, as a regional park, it is maintained to a standard the City can be proud to offer everyone.”

The revitalisation visioning began in late 2012 with meetings with various stakeholder groups. In January and February, the City hosted a series of coffee cart chats along the foreshore to get residents, businesses and visitors thinking about the potential for improvements. Postcards and advertisements also encouraged written ideas and comments. 

The hundreds of submissions received will now be used to form the basis of a draft vision to make sure the South Perth Foreshore retains its status as a major attraction. 

Mayor Sue Doherty said a summary review of submissions received had shown a wide range of suggestions on ways to improve the foreshore.

“Many focus on ways we can enhance the park’s natural assets; the beaches, the river and grassed areas. Others have put forward ideas to create vibrant spaces for social activities such as community gatherings, cultural and family events. Upgrading paths and seating, providing more shade and drink fountains, and fixing the river walls are popular suggestions for improving amenities.

“City of South Perth staff and external consultants are in the process of looking into the submissions in depth and collating the ideas put forward.

“The Council will consider the draft Vision document at its April meeting. If endorsed by Council, the community will then have further opportunity to provide feedback and input into the final vision for the South Perth Foreshore as the draft document will be widely advertised for comment in May 2013.

“It is important to understand that this is not a rapid process. When we have the final vision for the South Perth Foreshore it will be used to provide clear direction for foreshore improvements for decades to come. There will be a long-term implementation strategy and we will keep residents and the wider community informed about this strategy along the way.”

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