Major projects
The City designs, constructs and maintains a number of major projects to service community needs and priorities.
Further information on past, current and future projects can be found on the Projects & Places page.
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News Listings
Connect South concept design presentation
The community are invited to a Connect South draft concept design presentation and project update.
Farmers market on Mends Street from 1 October
Mends Street Farmers Market will be the first exciting activation brought to you by the South Perth Activation Network. The markets will run 8am–12pm every Sunday from 1 October 2017.
New Connect South Mends Street parking map
A new parking map has been produced to assist visitors to the Mends Street area with information about the range of parking options available.
Connect South feedback extended
There is still time to have your say and vote for your favourite Connect South ideas. Feedback has been extended until 5pm, Monday 4 September 2017.
Top award for Millers Pool
The restoration and upgrade of Millers Pool on the South Perth foreshore, by the City of South Perth has been recognised by the Australian Institute of Landscape Architects WA.