News Listings
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Weekly approved works 17-23 January 2022
Approved works within the City of South Perth for 17-23 January 2022.
COVID-19 update
Public health and social measures remain in effect for the Perth and Peel region from 6pm on 16 January 2022.
Australia Day at South Perth Foreshore
The City welcomes the community to experience the relaxed and family friendly atmosphere of Australia Day at South Perth Foreshore.
Coode Street Foreshore
The vision for the Coode Street Foreshore area is to develop a better serviced family recreational space with improved facilities, a choice of food and beverage outlets, and a diversity of activities. We will soon be seeking community feedback to further shape this vision.
Hurlingham Playground expansion
We’re expanding the playground on the South Perth Foreshore near Hurlingham Road and we want to hear your feedback.
Slow down for safer streets
Ten speed awareness signs have been installed to promote safe driving on our roads.
Weekly approved works 10-16 January 2022
Approved works within the City of South Perth for 10-16 January 2022.
Foreshore cycle path upgrades
An upgrade to the shared path between Queen Street and Millers Pool is now complete and the path is back open.
COVID-19 Vaccination Certification Information Sessions and Support
Attend our free information sessions and one-on-one support sessions to learn how to access, retrieve, print and save your Digital COVID-19 Vaccination Certification.