News Listings
Strategic Community Plan 2021-2031 adopted
The Strategic Community Plan 2021-2031 will guide the City over the next ten years as we deliver on our community’s vision to be a City of active places and beautiful spaces.
Weekly approved works 13-19 December 2021
Approved works within the City of South Perth for 13-19 December 2021.
Changes to access of Ancestry Library Edition
Remote access to Ancestry will end on 23 December 2021. Access will still be available on the computers at South Perth and Manning Libraries.
Aerial mosquito larvicide treatment - 13 December 2021
The City is carrying out an aerial larvicide treatment today, Monday 13 December between 9am and 5pm.
Parking changes on Darley and Ray Streets
There will be changes to parking on Darley Street and Ray Street from Friday 10 December for line marking works.
Built by Contrast at Box Gallery, Manning
A new exhibition titled Built by Contrast by Built by Robi Szalay has opened at Box Gallery, Manning and will be on display to the community until 29 March 2022.
Development application Canning Hwy and Robert St Como
Response to media enquiry regarding a development application on Canning Hwy and Robert St Como.
Proposed Disposition of Property
The City proposes to dispose of 57 Angelo Street South Perth (also known as the South Perth RSL Hall) by way of lease for a term of 3 years.
No changes to bin collection during the holidays
There will be no changes to bin collection days during the holidays.
Weekly approved works 6-11 December 2021
Approved works within the City of South Perth for 6-11 December 2021.