News Listings
Show the love for your library on Library Lovers' Day
Visit one of our libraries from 7-19 February to ‘show the love’ for Library Lovers' Day.
Weekly approved works 24-30 January 2022
Approved works within the City of South Perth for 24-30 January 2022.
GBLC Junior Term 1 program open for registrations
The GBLC junior in term programs are for those children who want to learn some skills in a social, fun and safe environment. Term 1 program is now open for registrations.
Kwinana Freeway on-ramp closure
Main Roads WA has advised that the Canning Highway northbound on-ramp will be closed for night works.
Innovate Reconciliation Action Plan
The next stage of the City’s reconciliation journey is underway after our Innovate Reconciliation Action Plan 2021-2023 was officially endorsed by Reconciliation Australia.
Electors’ General Meeting 8 February
An Electors’ General Meeting will be held at 6pm, Tuesday 8 February 2022 in the City of South Perth Council Chamber.
Hold a neighbourhood event
Whether it be a garage sale, picnic, games for children or morning tea, hosting an event with your neighbours is a great way to get to know each other.
Planning: Your questions answered
Planning for our share of population growth is about effectively managing the way land is allocated between competing and sometimes conflicting uses. Learn more about how the planning process works.
New short course at Collier Park Golf
Golfers can now enjoy a shorter version of the game they love at Collier Park Golf from 4pm every Monday to Thursday.
Aerial mosquito larvicide treatment - 18 January 2022
The City is carrying out an aerial larvicide treatment today, Tuesday 18 January between 9am and 5pm.