News Listings
Planning Design Forum daily wrap 15 March
The third day of the South Perth Station Precinct Planning Design Forum focused on exploring and documenting some of the ideas that were raised over the first two days.
Development application for proposed take away food outlet
Media enquiry regarding community consultation specifically in relation to a proposed take away food outlet in Karawara.
Artwalk at Angelo Street Marketplace
Artwalk, a showcase of the work of artists and creatives, will activate unexpected places and laneways as part of Angelo Street Marketplace
Planning Design Forum daily wrap 14 March
The second day of the South Perth Station Precinct Planning Design Forum involved community members and stakeholders return to the South Perth Community Hall for a day of presentations and interactive discussions focusing on some of the key issues for planning and development of the South Perth Station Precinct and surrounding area.
Planning Design Forum daily wrap 13 March
City of South Perth CEO, Geoff Glass officially opened the South Perth Station Precinct Planning Design Forum on Monday 13 March 2017 at the South Perth Community Hall.
Development Assessment Panel meeting 22 March
A meeting of the Metro Central Joint Development Assessment Panel has been called.
National Close the Gap Day
To mark National Close the Gap Day the City will host a free morning tea at Moorditj Keila Aboriginal Corporation at Manning Community Centre.
South Perth Station Precinct works update: week commencing 13 March 2017
Approved works within the South Perth Station Precinct for the week commencing 13 March 2017.
Dinner in the Sky
Media enquiry regarding the operations of Dinner in the Sky.
Westralian Centre concept
The City is seeking to develop a proposed multi-purpose interpretive facility, public space and major tourist attraction to be located on the South Perth foreshore.