News Listings
Labouchere Rd tree removal
The City engaged an independent arborist to provide a report on the trees. The trees were removed on 25 March 2017 and new trees will be planted in well-prepared sites more conducive to plant growth.
Free school holiday activities in April
The City has your April school holidays sorted with a range of free events and activities to keep the kids busy.
South Perth Libraries assist Atwell College after fire
The City of South Perth, along with the wider Perth library community, have been offering assistance to Atwell College after the tragic news of their school fire on Monday 27 March 2017.
Finalised minutes Metro Central JDAP meeting 22 March
Finalised minutes are now available to view.
Angelo Street Marketplace attracts record crowds
The City’s annual Angelo Street Marketplace was held on Sunday 26 March 2017 and attracted a record crowd of over 15,000 residents and visitors.
Civic Heart media enquiry
Media enquiry regarding Civic Heart development.
Planning Officer availability on Friday 31 March
The City’s Planning Department (Strategic and Statutory Planning Officers) will be unavailable for customer service enquiries on Friday 31 March from 11am until 1pm.
Footpath and lane closure at corner Mends Street and South Perth Esplanade
Sewer re-alignment works will commence at the Echelon private development site located at 77-79 South Perth Esplanade from 3 April 2017.
Vision 2027 workshops conclude
The City's Vision 2027 workshops concluded this week, with the final workshop held on Monday 27 March 2017.
EJ Reserve Redevelopment Update March 2017
Update on site works for the Ernest Johnson Reserve redevelopment.