News Listings
Place + Design: South Perth Station Precinct Community Open Day
Outcomes of the Place + Design: South Perth Station Precinct project will be presented at a Community Open Day at Manning Community Hall on Saturday 20 May.
Notice of adoption of Policy P316 Developer Contribution for Public Art and Public Art Spaces
The City of South Perth Council have adopted the revised Policy P316 Developer Contribution for Public Art & Public Art Spaces at the Ordinary Council Meeting held on 26 April 2017.
Disability Access and Inclusion Plan 2017-2021
The City has reviewed and updated its Disability Access and Inclusion Plan for the next five years.
Lighting up for road safety
The Old Mill is one of the select locations to be lit yellow to shine a light on Road Safety Week, 8-14 May 2017.
A plan for safer cycling
The City of South Perth and the Town of Victoria Park have been awarded funding for the development of a joint bike plan by the Western Australian Bicycle Network (WABN) Grants Program.
ATCO Gas works on Mends Street
ATCO Gas works will commence on Mends Street between Mill Point Road and Labouchere Road on 1 May 2017.
Aboriginal Reference Group call for new members
Applications are now open to join the City’s Aboriginal Reference Group.
Power outage at City's Operations Centre
Western Power has advised that there will be a power outage affecting the City's Operations Centre on Tuesday 2 May between 8am and 4pm.
South Perth Station Precinct works update: week commencing 1 May 2017
Approved works within the South Perth Station Precinct for the week commencing 1 May 2017.
Ernest Johnson Reserve redevelopment update
The City commenced construction works for the $10.5 million Ernest Johnson (EJ) Reserve redevelopment in February 2017.