Underground Power

The City’s vision is to have overhead power lines placed underground throughout the entire City and we are well underway to achieving this goal with works on three Round Six project areas having commenced. 

The State Underground Power Program (SUPP) replaces overhead power lines with underground power infrastructure. The Program is a partnership between the State Government, Western Power and local government and is administered by Energy Policy WA (formerly known as the Public Utilities Office). 

In January 2017, it was announced that funding had been secured for three more City of South Perth projects - Manning, Collier and South Perth. 

The City will monitor future funding rounds of the SUPP with a view to nominate other areas within the City for the program including Kensington.

News Listings

September 2020

City secures additional funding for underground power projects

News Update 23 September 2020

Council have accepted a $2.2 million COVID-19 financial relief package from Western Power to progress underground power projects in Manning and Collier which will substantially reduce the project costs.

Underground Power
July 2018

Underground power visual inspections

News Update 16 July 2018

As part of the preliminary design works, consultants will be in the areas of Collier and Manning from Monday 16 July.

Underground Power
February 2017

Three underground power projects for the City of South Perth

Media Release 20 February 2017

Three nominated areas within the City of South Perth will have their overhead powerlines placed underground.

Underground Power

Find out more

Sign up for the City's eNewsletter to stay in touch about this project.

For questions related to the timing of the projects, site reinstatement or construction related activities, please contact Western Power at undergroundpower@westernpower.com.au

More information and frequently asked questions are available on the Western Power website

For information about the State Underground Power Program in general, visit the Public Utilities Office website.