South Perth and Hurlingham Project Area

Map of the Collier underground power area

Underground Power has come to the South Perth and Hurlingham areas through the Retrospective Undergrounding Project (RUP).

This project will replace overhead power lines with underground power infrastructure to move closer towards the City's vision for underground power in all of its suburbs. The RUP is a partnership between the City and Western Power. Construction commenced in October 2022. 

Work on this project is expected to take approximately 12-15 months.

Hurlingham was not eligible for consideration as a State Underground Power Program (SUPP) as the area contained less than 500 properties (the minimum amount for a SUPP). Instead, the City nominated this area as a RUP, which has lower qualification requirements, to ensure this community was included.

In 2020 Western Power finalised estimates for the South Perth SUPP and the Hurlingham RUP, and determined that by amalgamating these two project areas and delivering the entire project as a RUP, Western Power could apply their net benefit contribution to the whole area, which involves a different assessment process to a typical SUPP.

What you can expect 

Letters have been issued by the City and Western Power informing residents of the project. Western Power's project contractor for the area has also issued letters of advice to each property and will do at the various stage of the project as outlined below.

Timing and further details of each stage will be updated on this page when the information becomes available. Residents will also receive advice notices throughout the construction activities.

Western Power's project contractor for the area will also issue letters of advice to each property at the various stages of the project as outlined below. Timing and further details of each stage will be updated here as and when the information becomes available. Residents will also receive advice notices throughout the construction activities.

Stage 1 - Property Services Installation

Stage 2 - Street Services Installation

Stage 3 - Changeover 

Stage 4 – Removal of poles and wires

Project cost

Project costs, payment details and the repayment structure will be considered as part of the 2022/23 budget process.

Project update - August 2023

Construction of the South Perth and Hurlingham Underground Power (UGP) project is well underway. The majority of consumer mains (the cables between the pillar and the properties meter box) have been installed, and underground drilling and streetlight installations have commenced.

Over the upcoming months, residents might notice the emergence of temporary green pillars or domes in unconventional locations along the verges. These installations are designed solely to protect the ends of the new UGP cables that have been recently installed. Please rest assured that these are temporary and will be removed throughout construction.

Western Power expects construction to be completed in November 2024.

Who to contact?

For any project repairs or reinstatement enquiries, please contact Mainswest on 08 9303 1540 or email

For other project enquiries, please visit the Western Power website or call them on 13 10 87.

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