News Listings
Weed Control Treatment
Subject to weather conditions, contract weed control treatments will be carried out on all footpaths, cycle ways, drainage sumps and kerb lines within the City from 3-23 October 2022, commencing in the Manning Ward.
Weekly approved works 29 August - 4 September 2022
Approved works within the City of South Perth for 29 August - 4 September 2022.
Abjornson Street school crossing complete
New school crossing in Manning makes it easier and safer for students
Manning Tennis Club upgrades make sport accessible for all
Manning Tennis Club's growing Wheelchair Tennis Program has been boosted thanks to recent accessibility upgrades.
Share your thoughts on the City's new Access and Inclusion Plan
Have your say on the City's new Access and Inclusion Plan to make our community more accessible and inclusive for all.
Proposed Penalty Units Amendment Local Law 2022
The City of South Perth invites comments on proposed amendments to the Penalty Units Local Law 2003. Submissions will be received by 4pm, Friday, 7 October 2022.
Your art could feature in our next Box Gallery, Manning exhibition
The City is looking for unique and inspirational artwork for its next exhibition at Box Gallery, Manning.
Weekly approved works 22-28 August 2022
Approved works within the City of South Perth for 22-28 August 2022.
Change to garden bore water restrictions
From 1 September 2022, the domestic garden bore sprinkler roster will be changed to align with the two-days-per-week sprinkler roster for scheme water users in Perth and Mandurah, reducing from three days per week.
Mends Street Jetty toilet closed 23-26 August
The public toilet at Mends Street Jetty will be closed for maintenance from the 23-26 August 2022. The nearest alternative toilets are at the Scented Gardens or Windsor Park.