News Listings
Amethyst feather has been found
Another lucky feather was at Manning Library, with a young reader receiving an on-the-spot prize for locating the amethyst feather.
Hoopla - Interactive stories for kids
Enjoy unlimited streaming for seven days with hoopla BingePass and your library membership.
Weekly approved works 12-18 September 2022
Approved works within the City of South Perth for 12-18 September 2022.
Road Rehabilitation Works - Fourth Avenue, Kensington
The City is undertaking road rehabilitation works on Fourth Avenue between Lansdowne Road and Banksia Terrace, Kensington, as part of the 2022/23 Capital Works Program.
Rebates available to help keep our community safe
Home safety and security rebates are now available to help eligible local residents.
Temporary closure of Sports Hall at GBLC
The City's Term 3 school holiday program will be affected during maintenance of the Sports Hall at George Burnett Leisure Centre.
Turtles safely out of sticky situation
Two oblong turtles rescued from a 'sticky situation' have found a new home at Lake Douglas in South Perth.
New business support program to help your business Thrive
The City is subsidising 12 local businesses to participate in South Perth THRIVE, a six-month business coaching program, designed to produce real outcomes and actions for small businesses, by offering 50% of the program cost.
Finalised minutes Metro Central JDAP meeting 26 August 2022
Minutes of the Metro Inner-South JDAP meeting to consider a development at Lot 5, No. 3 Davilak Street and Lot 67, No. 135 Robert Street, Como have been made available to view.
Weekly approved works 5-11 September 2022
Approved works within the City of South Perth for 5 September - 11 September 2022.