News Listings
Road Rehabilitation Works - Albert Street, South Perth
The City is undertaking road rehabilitation works on Albert Street between Rose Avenue and Coode Street, South Perth.
Special Council Meeting, 6pm, Tuesday 1 November 2022
A Special Council Meeting has been called for the purpose of considering the scope and timing of the proposed Recreation and Aquatic Facility (RAF) project.
Civic Centre closing early on Monday 24 October
The Civic Centre will close early at 3.30pm on Monday 24 October to facilitate a staff meeting.
Electors' Special Meeting - 6pm, Tuesday 8 November
The Electors’ Special Meeting will be held at the City’s Community Hall, Civic Centre cnr Sandgate St and South Tce, South Perth, commencing at 6pm, Tuesday 8 November 2022.
Weekly approved works 17-23 October 2022
Approved works within the City of South Perth for 17-23 October 2022.
City aims for pinnacle of workplace wellbeing
The City of South Perth has been named a finalist in this year's Australian Institute of Management WA Pinnacle Awards in the Lifeline WA Workplace Wellbeing Excellence category.
Dog Registration Renewal - Incorrectly issued
The City will be reissuing all dog registration renewals following a manual processing error.
Pennington Street cul-de-sac upgrade
After consultation with surrounding residents, the City will construct a half turnaround cul-de-sac on Pennington Street in Kensington. Works are planned to start on 24 October 2022.
Road Rehabilitation Works - Fairview Gardens, Waterford
The City is undertaking road rehabilitation works on Fariview Gardens between Roscrea Close and Kilkenny Circle in Waterford.
City celebrates emerging artists
The talented winners of the City's 2022 Emerging Artist Awards have been announced.