Newest citizens welcomed to our City

News Update 21 September 2022

Forty six new Australians were welcomed to our City at a special ceremony to celebrate Australian Citizenship Day on Saturday 17 September.

Mayor Greg Milner swore in conferees from 24 countries including Bangladesh, Canada and Chile to name a few.

"Australian Citizenship Day offers all Australians an opportunity to reflect on the importance of Australian citizenship and the responsibilities and values we share," he said.

"It was a privilege to induct our newest citizens on this special day and there was a wonderful vibe in the air, with a magnificent performance from the New Era Bahá'í Choir."

Mayor Milner was joined by Swan MHR Zaneta Mascarenhas and South Perth MLA Geoff Baker in congratulating the conferees for making the pledge and commitment to our country.

See our Citizenship page for more details.


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