News Listings
How can we help you?
To help improve customer service and teamwork, the City's CEO and executive staff recently spent time answering customer calls on the phone and in-person.
Are you prepared for bushfire season?
Bushfire is still a risk in urban areas and there are several things you can do now to reduced the threat.
Public Notice: Penalty Units Amendment Local Law 2022
The City of South Perth Penalty Units Amendment Local Law 2022 will come into effect on 13 December 2022.
Finalised minutes Metro Central JDAP meeting 18 November 2022
Minutes of the Metro Inner-South JDAP meeting on 9 November 2022 to consider a development at Lot 103, 83 Canning Highway, South Perth has been made available on the DAP website.
Christmas-New Year opening hours and rubbish and recycling collection
Opening hours of the City's Civic Centre and other facilities will change during the Christmas-New Year period.
Weekly approved works 28 November-4 December 2022
Approved works within the City of South Perth for 14-20 November 2022.
Christmas and New Year Library opening
There will be some changes to library opening hours over the Christmas and New Year period.
Hard Waste Verge Collection delays in Kensington and South Perth
The City's Hard Waste Verge Collection has been delayed due to unforeseen circumstances.
Aerial mosquito larvicide treatment - 25 November 2022
The City is carrying out an aerial larvicide treatment on Friday 25 November between 9am and 5pm.
Too mulch of a good thing
A number of recent issues have prevented the City from providing free mulch for residents and now the service has been officially stopped.