News Listings
Quest for epic reading adventures
Don't miss out on epic adventures with the Summer Reading Quest.
'Tis the season to recycle more
If your festive excesses include too many recyclables, why not visit the City's Recycling Centre? We'll be open during the Christmas period.
City signs new agreement with Inner-City Councils
A new agreement will enhance collaboration between the City of South Perth and other inner-City local governments on a number of shared issues.
Traffic Improvement Works - Labouchere Rd and Alston Ave
The City is undertaking traffic improvement works at the intersection of Labouchere Rd and Alston Ave.
Weekly approved works 14-20 November 2022
Approved works within the City of South Perth for 14-20 November 2022.
Road Rehabilitation Works - Shaftesbury Street and Collins Street
The City is undertaking road rehabilitation works on Shaftesbury Street and Collins Street in South Perth.
Road Rehabilitation Works - Way Road, South Perth
The City is undertaking road rehabilitation works on Way Road between Mill Point Road and Canning Highway.
Finalised minutes Metro Central JDAP meeting 9 November 2022
Minutes of the Metro Inner-South JDAP meeting on 9 November 2022 to consider a development at 39A (Lot 2) and 39B (Lot 1) Clydesdale Street, Como has been made available on the DAP website.
Metro Inner-South JDAP Meeting Agenda 18 November 2022
The agenda for the Metro Inner-South JDAP meeting to consider a proposed 7-Eleven Convenience Store at Lot 103 (No. 83) Canning Highway, South Perth is now available to view.
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