Stopping Queensland Fruit Fly

News Update 26 April 2023

Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development is working to stop the spread of the significant invasive pest, Queensland fruit fly (Qfly), after a confirmed detection in Bayswater.

A Quarantine Area (QA) which includes the City of South Perth has now been declared and covers a 15km radius around the suburbs of Bayswater and Belmont.

The QA is divided into two main zones: the Corrective Action Zone and the Export Assurance Zone.

The City of South Perth sits in the Export Assurance Zone. The area will act as a buffer zone to further prevent further spread of the pest.

The requirements for the management of Qfly host fruit for this area are less stringent but commercially grown Qfly host fruit cannot move either within the QA or outside the QA unless it is treated.

Qfly is one of the most serious pests of fruit and vegetables in Australia, attacking over 300 species of fruit and vegetables and impacting a range of horticulture industries and access to valuable markets.

Why is it important to keep Western Australia free from Qfly?

Qfly is a major agricultural pest that is highly invasive, infesting more than 300 species of cultivated fruits and vegetables.

Maintaining Qfly Area Freedom provides WA growers access to export markets, such as avocados to Japan and strawberries to Thailand, and allows for continued enjoyment of home-grown fruit and vegetables.

Other impacts include the increased use of pesticides and a reduction or loss in our ability to grow and enjoy fruits and vegetables in our backyard.

Has WA successfully eradicated Qfly before? 

Western Australia has been highly successful at eradicating previous Qfly incursions with the cooperation of local communities and industry, and by efforts of the experienced incident response staff at the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (DPIRD).

Qfly has been has eradicated from the Perth metropolitan area on eight occasions since 1989.

What steps can I take to help prevent Qfly from infesting my backyard fruit and vegetables?

By following these steps, you can reduce the risk of Qfly infestations in your backyard.

  • Keep an eye on your fruit trees, vegetable garden and ornamental host plants. Regularly inspect host plants for signs of Qfly damage including small holes, or the presence of larvae/maggots
  • Report suspect Qfly via the MyPestGuide® Reporter app or by contacting the Pest and Disease Information Service on 9368 3080 or email
  • Garden hygiene – pick up and dispose of fallen fruit. Fallen fruit is a prime breeding ground for fruit flies, so it is important to pick up and dispose of any fallen fruit as soon as possible.
  • Use netting – covering your fruit trees with fine netting can help prevent fruit flies from accessing the fruit. Ensure netting is kept off the ground to prevent Qfly from completing their life cycle in the ground. 

To find out more, visit the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development website.

Pest and Disease Information Service (PaDIS)