News Listings
South Perth Station Precinct works update: week commencing 5 March 2018
Approved works within the South Perth Station Precinct for the week commencing 5 March 2018.
Special Council Meeting 7pm, Thursday 8 March 2018
A Special Council Meeting has been called for 7pm, Thursday 8 March 2018 to considering the Council’s submission to the Local Government Act Review.
Aerial larvicide treatment on 2 March
The City is planning to undertake an aerial larvicide treatment by Heliwest on 2 March 2018 in the wetland area south of Waterford from Cygnia Cove through to the Salter Point Lagoon.
Queen's Baton Relay and South Perth Sounds brings community together
Hundreds of people lined South Perth foreshore to cheer on the batonbearers as the Gold Coast 2018 Commonwealth Games (GC2018) Queens Baton Relay made its way through South Perth on Saturday 24 February 2018. The City's annual community concert South Perth Sounds (formerly Fiesta Concert) kicked off in the afternoon following the relay and attracted a record crowd of around 15,000 people.
South Perth Station Precinct works update: week commencing 27 February 2018
Approved works within the South Perth Station Precinct for the week commencing 27 February 2018.
Metro Central JDAP Meeting 7 March
A meeting of the Metro Central Joint Development Assessment Panel has been called for Wednesday 7 March 2018.
City works to reduce use of herbicide
The City is undertaking a trial to help reduce the amount of herbicide used to control weeds.
Plastic bag ban from 1 July
From 1 July 2018, lightweight single-use plastic bags will be banned statewide in WA.
Clontarf-Waterford- Salter Point Foreshore Masterplan Update
The masterplan will consider the natural environment, recreational spaces and activities, and facilities and services of the Clontarf-Waterford-Salter Point Foreshore.
First Welcome to Country at City Council meeting
The City has invited Matthew McGuire to perform a Welcome to Country at the first Council meeting of 2018 to recognise and acknowledge the Noongar/Bibbulmun people and their significant contribution to the land, history and future of the City of South Perth.