News Listings
Animal Care Facility
Media enquiry regarding the City's Animal Care Facility and rehoming of dogs and cats.
Waste and Recycling Guide 2018
The guide includes the 2018 recycling calendar including kerb side bin collection days as well as green waste and hard waste collection dates.
Australia Day on South Perth foreshore
The City will host family friendly Australia Day events at Sir James Mitchell Park on the South Perth foreshore on 26 January.
Manning Library closed for staff training on 2 February
Manning Library will be closed for staff development Friday 2 February 2018. Items can be returned to the after-hours return chute during this time or at South Perth Library, which will remain open.
John McGrath honoured
The City will name the recently completed Ernest Johnson Reserve community facility buildings after the long-serving Member for South Perth, John McGrath MLA.
Our Cultural Plan
Tell us what culture means to you.
Weed Control Treatment
Subject to weather conditions, contract weed control treatments will be carried out on all footpaths, cycle ways, drainage sumps and kerb lines within the City from 15 January 2018.
A New Take by Leanne Bray
The artwork takes the form of a specially designed pattern created in colourful glazed bricks which is integrated into the structure of the buildings, in two places.
The Goal Keeper by Lorenna Grant
The artwork is constructed around a steel frame which is clad with facets of an aluminium composite material, with a chameleon-coloured coating.
2018 Council Meeting Schedule
Members of the public are encouraged to attend all open meetings of the Council.