News Listings
26 Charles Street, South Perth
Media enquiry regarding 26 Charles Street, South Perth
Local Planning Strategy update
Have your say on the preparation of the City’s Local Planning Strategy.
Connect South update
A revised Concept Design has been prepared in response to community feedback.
Finalised minutes Metro Central JDAP meeting 21 February 2018
The finalised minutes of the Metro Central Joint Development Assessment Panel (JDAP) for the meeting held on 21 February 2018 are now available online.
Metro Central JDAP meeting minutes 9 February 2018
Finalised minutes of the Metro Central Joint Development Assessment Panel (JDAP) for the meeting held on 9 February 2018 are now available to view.
South Perth Station Precinct works update: week commencing 20 February 2018
Approved works within the South Perth Station Precinct for the week commencing 20 February 2018.
Notice of adoption of revised local planning policy P317 Licensed Premises
The City of South Perth Council adopted revised local planning policy P317 Licensed Premises at the Special Council Meeting held on 6 February 2018.
Draft joint Bike Plan out for comment
The City of South Perth and the Town of Victoria Park have released a draft bike plan following extensive community and user group consultation.
Welcoming new citizens and recognising those who give back to our community
It was fantastic to welcome so many new citizens at our Australia Day citizenship ceremony this year.
Commonwealth Games Queen's Baton Relay set to visit South Perth
In just one week on Saturday 24 February the Gold Coast 2018 Commonwealth Games Queen's Baton Relay will arrive in South Perth.