Southcare development application

Media Response 28 September 2017

Journalist’s background: Media enquiry regarding the proposed Southcare development in Manning.

Please attribute the following quotes to City of South Perth Mayor Sue Doherty.

Is the development expected to come to council or JDAP?

The application is required to be determined by the Joint Development Assessment Panel (JDAP) as the estimated development cost is over $10 million. 

When is this likely to happen?

The City officer’s Responsible Authority Report (RAR) is due to be submitted to JDAP no later than 13 October 2017. The meeting date will be confirmed once the RAR is submitted. The meeting is usually scheduled for approximately 2 weeks from the RAR submission date.

The City amended Town Planning Scheme 6, which gave Southcare an unlimited plot ratio – why was this the case?

Amendment No. 45 to the Town Planning Scheme, when submitted to Western Australian Planning Commission and the Minister for Planning, had provision for a maximum plot ratio of 1.0. The provision allowing for an unlimited plot ratio was a modification made by the Minister.

Is the City concerned that the DA does not reflect the original concept proposed?

The development application as proposed must be assessed against the Town Planning Scheme provisions.

Is the City concerned that the proposal does not comply with aspects of TPS6 and Residential Design Codes – no impact assessment report, not enough park bays etc?

The City is still in the process of assessing the application.

Does the City believe it has engaged with the community enough about the project?

The City conducted consultation with the community in accordance with the provisions of Local Policy P301 ‘Community Engagement in Planning Proposals’. This Policy was approved by Council after consultation with the community. 

What has the City done to inform the public about the project?

The City consulted with all owners and occupiers within the ‘Area 1’ geographical area as prescribed in Local Policy P301 ‘Community Engagement in Planning Proposals’. A total of 30 consultation letters were sent.

I understand Mayor Sue Doherty and former councillor Kevin Trent were on the board of Southcare for a period, when did they join and then leave the board?

I was a Southcare board member, representing South Perth Uniting Church from 2002 until October 2016.

Southcare’s Annual Report 1998-1999 states that former City of South Perth Councillor Kevin Trent was the Rotary Club of South Perth representative, a position he held until October 2016.

What was the reason for both of them joining and then leaving the board?

I joined the board of Southcare, a not-for-profit aged care facility because I felt I could make a positive contribution to the organisation. My background and experience working with in both the public and not-for-profit areas in a range of positions including aged care, policy development, training, early childhood education, mediation, contract management, strategic planning and community development enabled me to understand the complexities and challenges facing people in our community today, I believed these skills would be of value to Southcare.

After 14 years as a Southcare board member I decided to step aside for personal reasons. Also in my view, it was time for another person with a different skill set to contribute to the organisation as it moved into the future.

Did both of them (Cr Trent and Mayor Doherty) make declarations of interests during council meetings when items relating to Southcare were discussed?

I am confident that when matters relating to Southcare were put to the Council of the City of South Perth, I removed myself from the Council Chamber for decision making.  I undertand the provisions of the Local Government Act regarding “declarations of interest” and the penalties for not doing so, hence I publically acknowledged I had interest as a member of the board and took no part.

Media contact

For media enquiries, please contact the City’s Communications Officer.