South Perth and Hurlingham underground power update

News Update 18 December 2024
The underground power project in the South Perth and Hurlingham areas is now scheduled for completion in June 2025. 
While drilling and the installation of primary equipment are complete in these areas, delays have occurred due to resource constraints. 

The energising of the new light poles and residential connection is behind schedule, but efforts are being made to ensure a timely completion. 
Underground power offers a range of benefits including improved reliability and security of power supply, enhanced streetscapes and visual amenity, improved property value, reduced street tree maintenance costs for local governments, improved LED streetlighting, and greater capacity to support future power needs. 
This project is a Retrospective Undergrounding Project, a partnership between the City of South Perth and Western Power. 
For more information on underground power projects in the City, visit Underground Power

Media contact

For media enquiries, please contact the City’s Communications Officer.