Kensington Project Area

Map of the Kensington underground power area


The Retrospective Underground Power Program (RUPP) replaces overhead power lines with underground power infrastructure. The Program is a partnership between the State Government, Western Power and local government and is administered by Energy Policy WA. 

Western Power is currently finalising the detailed design for the installation of underground power in the Kensington and surrounding area indicated above. Following this, a report will be presented to Council to endorse the project and subsequent charges.

Benefits of underground power

Underground power delivers a host of benefits such as improved reliability and supply enhanced streetscapes and visual amenity; reduced street tree maintenance costs for local governments and LED streetlighting.

LED streetlighting benefits include:

  • 30 per cent less energy use than standard streetlights
  • Reach full brightness instantly
  • Contain no mercury or lead, which is better for the environment
  • Emit no UV rays or infrared radiation
  • Operate at a much cooler temperature, making LED lights a safer option
  • Reduce greenhouse gas emissions and landfill.

Keeping you informed

The City will provide further updates on this page as the project progresses and residents will soon be invited to an information session with the project team that will cover what you can expect as the works proceed and answer any questions or concerns you may have.

News Listings

May 2008

Underground Power and Kensington

Media Response 30 May 2008

Media enquiry regarding the commitment of Western Power and the State Government in relation to underground power in Kensington and surrounding area.

Underground Power
December 2007

Underground Power Moves Ahead

Media Release 5 December 2007

At the November Ordinary Council Meeting the City of South Perth Council moved to accept the estimate of costs prepared for the State Undergrounding of Powerlines Project (SUPP) Como East project, meaning that work on the project can now progress.

Underground Power
April 2007

Underground Power

Media Response 18 April 2007

Media enquiry regarding round three of the State Government's Underground Power Project.

Underground Power