News Listings
Changes to the Development Assessment Panel system announced
Response to the Planning Minister's announcement of changes to the Development Assessment Panel system.
Notice of Special Council Meeting 18 October
Notice of Special Council Meeting 6.30pm, Tuesday 18 October 2016
Development Assessment Panel Meeting 19 October
A meeting of the Metro Central Joint Development Assessment Panel has been called for Wednesday 19 October.
Finalists announced for City's 2016 Emerging Artist Award
Seventy-three finalists have been selected for the 2016 Emerging Artist Award by a distinguished judging panel.
2017 Council Meeting Schedule
On 23 August 2016, the City of South Perth Council adopted the Agenda Briefing and Ordinary Council Meeting schedule for 2017.
Bush Fires Act 1954 City of South Perth 2016/2017 Firebreak Notice
All owners and occupiers of land within the City’s district are required before 1 December 2016 to clear firebreaks or to take measures in accordance with this Notice and maintain those firebreaks and measures in accordance with this Notice up to and including 30 April 2017.
Out for Comment - Standing Orders Amendment Local Law
The City of South Perth invites comments on proposed amendments to the Standing Orders Local Law 2007. The feedback period for the above proposed Local Law will close at 5pm, Monday 5 December 2016.
Notice of final adoption of planning policy P350.16
The City's Council have adopted the new policy Policy P350.16 Variation to plot ratio for multiple dwellings and mixed development at the Ordinary Council Meeting held on 27 September 2016.
Carpark upgrade works at Challenger Reserve
The City will be undertaking upgrade works within the Challenger Reserve carpark located adjacent to Challenger Avenue. The works are scheduled to start the week commencing 10 October 2016 and take approximately 3 weeks to complete, weather permitting.
Students' WACE Study Space at South Perth Library
South Perth Library will provide a dedicated study space from 18 October to 19 November 2016 to assist students ace their WACE exams.