South Perth Aquatic Centre feasibility study

Media Release 13 March 2015
The City of South Perth was awarded $45,000 in May 2014 by the Federal Government Department of Infrastructure and Regional Development to conduct a South Perth Aquatic Centre feasibility study. The purpose of the study is to determine whether an aquatic facility is required in South Perth.

Jill Powell and Associates were appointed by the City to conduct the study. This involved a survey of 650 randomly-selected residents across all suburbs in the City, as well a comprehensive review of literature, consultation with neighbouring local governments and other stakeholders, and analysis of demographics and social and participation trends.

Over 100 people attended a meeting held on Wednesday 11 March 2015 at George Burnett Leisure (GBLC) to review the results of the survey and provide comment and feedback on the process to date.

The next step of the community consultation is for the consultant to analyse the survey results. A report will be prepared outlining suggested management models, financial impacts (both capital and operational), lifecycle costings, projected usage figures, staging suggestions and indicative concept designs for consideration if an aquatic facility is favoured.

It is anticipated the report will be presented to Council in May 2015 for consideration. 

If you have any additional comments regarding the study, please contact the City at or 9474 0777.

A full copy of the South Perth Aquatic Centre Feasibility Study can be found on the City's website.

Media contact

For media enquiries, please contact the City’s Communications Officer.