City launches Vision 2027

Media Release 7 November 2016
Vision 2027

When you cast your mind forward and picture the City of South Perth in 2027, what can you see?

The City is embarking on a major review of its Strategic Community Plan. Now is your opportunity to have your say about the future of the City and help to shape the vision and priorities for the next 10 years.

From 7 November until 9 December 2016 everyone including local residents, ratepayers, businesses, families, youth, seniors, community and special interest groups, schools and universities, visitors and volunteers are invited to take part in Vision 2027 by completing a short online or hardcopy survey and sharing their vision for the City’s future.  

Your feedback will help to reshape the City’s vision and priorities, with the final outcome of this significant review being the 2017-2027 Strategic Community Plan which will have a strong emphasis on the community’s aspirations, priorities and vision for the City’s future.

The second stage of the consultation process includes community and stakeholder workshops where ideas and responses will be discussed in further detail. These workshops will be held in February 2017.

“We are extending an invitation for you to have your say about the big picture for the City, it’s a really important opportunity I encourage you to take up.” Mayor Sue Doherty said.

“This plan is created by the community, for the community and your involvement is key to the success of Vision 2027. We want as many people as possible to take part, complete the survey and be part of shaping our City’s future planning for the next 10 years.” 

Hardcopy surveys will be available to complete from City venues including; City of South Perth Civic Centre, Operations Centre, South Perth Library, Manning Library, Manning Men’s Shed, South Perth Senior Citizens Centre, Manning Senior Citizens Centre, George Burnett Leisure Centre and Old Mill.

For further details about Vision 2027 and the City’s Strategic Community Plan are available on the City’s website and Your Say South Perth engagement portal.

Take the Vision 2027 survey now

Vision 2027 survey opens 7 November and closes 5pm, 9 December 2016

Media contact

For media enquiries, please contact the City’s Communications Officer.