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February 2017

Road rehabilitation works on Waterford Avenue

News Update 15 February 2017

The City will be undertaking road rehabilitation works along Waterford Avenue between Manning Road and Mullingar Close.

Road Works

Stormwater drainage upgrade on Anstey Street

News Update 15 February 2017

Drainage works will be carried out along Anstey Street from the week commencing 27th February 2017.

Road Works

Millers Pool officially opens

Media Release 15 February 2017

​Millers Pool was officially opened by City of South Perth Mayor Sue Doherty and John McGrath MLA Member for South Perth on Tuesday 14 February 2017.

South Perth Foreshore

Revised Policy P316 and Public Art Toolkit Out for Comment

Public Notice 14 February 2017

The City has revised Policy P316 Developer Contribution for Public Art & Public Art Spaces and the Public Art Toolkit. Feedback is open until 5pm, Friday 10 March 2017.


City of South Perth Town Planning Scheme No. 6 Amendment No. 47

Public Notice 14 February 2017

The Minister for Planning has approved the City of South Perth local planning scheme Amendment No. 47 on 1 February 2017.

Canning Bridge

Manning Community Centre opens

Media Release 13 February 2017

The Manning Community Centre is now open.

Manning Community Hub

Fiesta Concert 2017 fireworks

Public Notice 13 February 2017

The City will be hosting the Pagoda Resort & Spa fireworks as part of the Fiesta Concert on Saturday 25 February. A water exclusion zone will be in place within a 100 metre radius of the water barge located near the flagpole at Sir James Mitchell Park from 6.30-10pm.


South Perth Station Precinct works update: week commencing 13 February 2017

News Update 13 February 2017

Approved works within the South Perth Station Precinct for the week commencing 13 February 2017.

Road Works SPSP Traffic

Canning Bridge Activity Centre Plan Amendment No. 47

Media Release 10 February 2017

The City's Canning Bridge Activity Centre Plan will come into effect following the Minister for Planning’s approval of Amendment No. 47.

Canning Bridge

Snake signage on pathways

News Update 9 February 2017

The City has installed new snake signage along pathways from Salter Point to Cygnia Cove.

Media contact

For media enquiries, please contact the City’s Communications Officer.