News Listings

May 2018

Wesley Change Rooms

News Update 4 May 2018

Demolition of the old Wesley Change Rooms is scheduled to take place between 7-12 May .

Metro Central JDAP Meeting 14 May 2018

Public Notice 4 May 2018

A meeting of the Metro Central JDAP has been called.


Joint Bike Plan progress

News Update 2 May 2018

The City of South Perth and the Town of Victoria Park are working together on a joint project to deliver a comprehensive Joint Bike Plan for the community.

Joint Bike Plan

Cultural Plan 2019-2022

News Update 1 May 2018

The City is developing its first Cultural Plan.


Weed Control Treatment

Public Notice 1 May 2018

Subject to weather conditions, contract weed control treatments will be carried out on all footpaths, cycle ways, drainage sumps and kerb lines within the City from 7 May 2018.

April 2018

Douglas Avenue road safety

Media Response 30 April 2018

Media enquiry regarding road safety on Douglas Avenue.


Clontarf-Waterford-Salter Point Foreshore Masterplan update

News Update 30 April 2018

Following months of community and stakeholder engagement and research, a Draft Masterplan has been developed for the stretch of foreshore from Clontarf through to Waterford and Salter Point.


Stage Two of EJ Reserve redevelopment under way

News Update 30 April 2018

The fences surrounding the oval have been removed with the playing field once again accessible to all community members.

Ernest Johnson Reserve

South Perth Station Precinct works update: week commencing 30 April 2018

News Update 30 April 2018

Approved works within the South Perth Station Precinct for the week commencing 30 April 2018.

Maintenance Works Road Works SPSP Traffic

Council endorse Connect South Stage One

News Update 27 April 2018

The City is preparing detailed designs for works, which include the development of a piazza on the Mends Street foreshore and minor upgrades to Mends Street North.

Connect South