South Perth Station Precinct intersection modifications help to reduce traffic delays

News Update 10 April 2018

Over the past six months the City has been working with Main Roads Western Australia to explore short/medium and long term improvements to the traffic signals (traffic lights) within the South Perth Station Precinct.
As a result of this collaborative approach, Main Roads WA has modified the traffic light signals at the intersections of;

  • Mends Street/Mill Point Road
  • Mill Point Road/Labouchere Road/Kwinana Freeway.

These intersection modifications have shown immediate improvements in the efficient flow of traffic. Furthermore, traffic modelling undertaken by the City demonstrates significant improvements are expected for the road network during peak hour traffic periods.
Both agencies will continue to work together to monitor the area over upcoming months.

The following feedback was received by the Main Roads Network Operations Division;

“This has been a great collaborative approach to review of traffic signal timings and we look forward to working closely with the City of South Perth in further optimising operation of these signals”.

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For more information, please contact the City.