Aussie Backyard Bird Count results

News Update 9 April 2018
The City of South Perth is home to a diverse bird population. In 2017, the City invited residents to participate in the Aussie Backyard Bird Count (ABBC), an annual event that provides insight into how Australian birds are faring.

The results have been collated by BirdLife Australia and are now available to view online. In the City of South Perth, 72 participants observed over 1,890 individual birds between 23-29 October 2017, with a total of 51 bird species recorded.

The Rainbow Lorikeet topped the City of South Perth’s count and the overall ABBC for the fourth consecutive year, reported in approximately 40% of all surveys submitted. 

The ABBC is one of Australia’s largest citizen science events with more than 72,000 participants and almost two million birds counted nationwide in 2017. 

The vast amount of data collected fills a knowledge gap, particularly on urban bird species, and gives BirdLife Australia access to areas they usually wouldn’t be able to survey, like your backyard.
If counting birds for one week each October isn’t enough, and you would like to submit bird surveys year-round, you can check out BirdLife Australia’s other bird monitoring programs — Birds in Backyards and Birddata.

To view the 2017 results visit

To register for the 2018 Aussie Backyard Bird Count visit

Media contact

For media enquiries, please contact the City’s Communications Officer.