News Listings
Lake Douglas footbridges closed
The Lake Douglas footbridges have been assessed as being structurally compromised and therefore will remain closed for the safety of the public until further notice.
StrEAT responsibly this summer
Another season of South Perth StrEATs starts on Thursday 16 November 2023.
Join the Pickleball craze
Have you ever wanted to play pickleball? Bring along a friend or a team of four and come and play at the George Burnett Leisure Centre indoor courts.
Shop Local in South Perth this Christmas
Show a local small business some love this Christmas! #ShopLocalSouthPerth
Have your say on trial parklet proposal for Angelo Street
The City is inviting stakeholder and community feedback on a trial parklet proposal in front of Nextdoor Restaurant and Olsen Butchers at 79 Angelo Street.
Road Rehabilitation Works - Paterson St and Edgecumbe St Intersection
The City is undertaking road rehabilitation works on the intersection of Paterson Street and Edgecumbe Street, Como.
Stage 3 of the Local Planning Policies review commences
You're invited to provide feedback on new draft Local Planning Policy – Heritage Conservation and Development.
George Burnett Leisure Centre temporary closure
George Burnett Leisure Centre will be closed on Wednesday 8 November 2023 from 6am to 4.15pm for essential electrical maintenance.
Invitation to activate Morris Mundy Pavilion
The City is inviting Expressions of Interest from organisations including sporting clubs and community groups to utilise Morris Mundy Pavilion for recreational purposes.
Weekly approved works 13-19 November 2023
Approved works within the City of South Perth for 13-19 November 2023